Sunday, July 12, 2009


Thank you for visiting Crenshaw Seeds, a blog where thoughts are precious and cherished, where whims are recorded, where the tiny pleasures of life matter.

Thoughts and ideas are resources, and it's a shame to throw them away. If only memories of our minds were as good as the memories of computers. Since they are not, this blog is a backup for the hard drive of my mind.

A blog is not only a repository for thoughts and ideas; it's also a place to share them with other people. It's a lonely feeling when something inspires me and I don't share it with anyone. The essence of my personality lies in things that only I know and understand. While some people may like to keep their deepest thoughts private, I feel that those thoughts are "the real me," and the me that people would want to know and like. It seems a shame to keep that side of myself private.

Why would a blog reader understand and appreciate my whims better than, say, someone I encounter at the bus stop or the grocery? Probably because blog posts allow for fuller explanations than does small talk. And unlike in coversation, where it's only acceptable to talk when someone wants to listen, on a blog, you can write whether or not someone chooses to read what you write.

With that, I leave you to enjoy future postings on my blog. Please feel free to comment and leave notes.

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